Founded by Matt Fiddes, the MF Ladies Only Kickboxing programme is designed to help women learn the fundamentals that will improve fitness, self-confidence and personal safety. 7th Degree black belt world-renowned martial arts Master Matt Fiddes has combined his teaching experience with a dedicated team, with a passion for Kickboxing, to give women the tools to be strong, Confident within themselves and to have fun. The classes are suitable for all ladies, age and ability.
Matt Fiddes Ladies Only classes are across the country.

- Weight loss
- Toning
- Confidence
- Fun
- Goal setting
- Sense of achievement
Our qualified instructors will take their time to listen to you about why you want to learn martial arts and what you hope to achieve. They will discuss the individual issues with you and explain how our programme works and what martial arts is all about.
We don’t expect you to start your classes with ability to run marathons or brake concrete blocks with your bare hands. Our programme will start you slowly with warm ups and drills that you will be able to handle and quickly master. Our aim is to build your confidence to allow you to push yourself harder and rapidly improve your fitness level.
The Matt Fiddes Ladies Only classes are a great way for you to lose weight. The classes will provide a natural and sustainable route to keeping your body at its ideal weight. The kickboxing routines you learn will allow you to become more flexible and supple, plus they will naturally tone the bits you want to get into shape; thighs, bums, tums, chest etc.
We can provide advice on a balanced diet to allow you to reach your personal goals, from weight loss, to toning up to building up, to overall have a better understanding of healthy eating.
The most natural and effective form of self-defence is to avoid potentially dangerous situations. We will teach you how to recognise and avoid dangerous situations. If it comes down to you being in a time and place where you are about to be harmed then we will have equipped you with self-defence techniques that will protect you and make aggressors think twice and back off.
Our classes will teach you that your body is truly an awesome weapon of self-defence once you know how to control and place kicks and punches. What we do not do is turn you into a street fighter who thinks it’s okay to use your skills to hurt people.
In many life situations we could all use a little extra self-confidence; getting a better job, getting the date we want, speaking up when we know we should etc. and this is something that following our Ladies Only programme will give you.
You will share your journey with other women and gain inner strength and confidence from each other. In a Matt Fiddes Ladies Only class you will understand and be able to use the power of your physical body and this will boost your confidence.
As a goal working towards a black belt is a very rewarding experience and this is something you could start right now. Every step of the way you will be improving your confidence and gain the ability to handle what life throws at you!